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Ad Hoc

The World Scleroderma Foundation is pleased to announce the formation of Ad Hoc Committee. These groups are specialized, temporary committees established to encourage in-depth discussions on critical clinical challenges related to the diagnosis and treatment of scleroderma, aiming to foster innovation and collaboration within the medical research community.

Objective of the Ad Hoc

The primary goal of these Ad Hoc Committee is to gather experts from various disciplines to deliberate on specific clinical (diagnostic/therapeutic) challenges. By doing so, we aim to produce meaningful clinical recommendations and guidelines that can significantly impact patient care and treatment strategies.

Application Process


Submissions must include a description of the project, highlighting the objectives, key milestones, and expected outcomes, along with a list of participants and a detailed budget.


Review Process: Proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis, allowing for timely feedback and initiation of promising projects.

Eligibility Criteria

Institutional Affiliation

Applicants must be affiliated with an academic or research institution.

Clinical Innovation

Proposals should focus on scleroderma-related clinical challenges that have the potential to lead to significant clinical recommendations.

Multidisciplinary Teams

Teams should demonstrate a multidisciplinary approach, including members with various expertise related to the topic of discussion.

For any questions or further clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact us at
We are here to assist you throughout the application process.

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