Every 2 years the World Scleroderma Foundation holds one of the most important congresses in Europe, successfully contributing to the knowledge of Systemic Sclerosis all over the world. Take a journey from the first one in Florence 2010, through Madrid 2012, Rome 2014, Lisbon 2016, Bordeaux 2018, two online in 2020 and 2022, to the last one in Prague 2024.
Systemic Sclerosis World Congress
The 9th Systemic Sclerosis World Congress will be held in 2026 in Athens
Our congresses are attended by: Colleagues from different specialties, young trainees, healthcare professionals and patients from all over the world have contributed to the high scientific profile of the congresses in interactive clinical and basic sessions. Along with the medical component of the congress, the patient program has also grown significantly, becoming extensive and well attended.
See the opening of the last 8th World Congress on Systemic Sclerosis in Prague 2024
Systemic Sclerosis
World Congress
- 8th Systemic Sclerosis World Congress 2024
- 7th SSWC 2022 Virtual Congress 2022
- 6th Systemic Sclerosis World Congress – E-congress 2020
- 5th Systemic Sclerosis World Congress – Bordeaux 2018
- 4th Systemic Sclerosis World Congress – Lisbon 2016
- 3rd Systemic Sclerosis World Congress – Rome 2014
- 2nd Systemic Sclerosis World Congress – Madrid 2012
- 1st Systemic Sclerosis World Congress – Florence 2010

8th Systemic Sclerosis World Congress – Prague 2024
The 8th Systemic Sclerosis World Congress – Prague 2024 was a landmark event in the field of scleroderma, presenting a challenging yet enriching experience for attendees. It combined interactive workshops, insightful lectures, oral presentations, and satellite sessions, offering a comprehensive and engaging mix of educational experiences for professionals dedicated to the treatment and study of scleroderma.

7th SSWC 2022 Virtual Congress 2022
The 7th World Scleroderma Congress, for both Health Care Professionals and patients, aimed to raise awareness and share knowledge and insights around the rare disease scleroderma, which is also known as systemic sclerosis.

6th Systemic Sclerosis World Congress – E-congress 2020
The 6th World Scleroderma Congress provided an exciting and up to date scientific programme. The combination of hands-on workshops, lectures, oral presentations and satellite sessions granted an eclectic mix of experiences that was put at disposal for all attendees.

5th Systemic Sclerosis World Congress – Bordeaux 2018
The 5th World Scleroderma Congress has been a significant challenge for the scientific committee in the effort to provide an exciting and up to date scientific programme, for a new and stimulating experience in the world of scleroderma.

4th Systemic Sclerosis World Congress – Lisbon 2016
This 4th World Scleroderma Congress combined the best experience we had in the previous congresses. The combination of hands-on workshops, lectures, oral presentations, and sponsored sessions provided an exciting mix of extraordinary experiences that were put at disposal for all attendees that devote their work to people with scleroderma.

3rd Systemic Sclerosis World Congress – Rome 2014
This third World Scleroderma Congress combined the best features of the previous two congresses, emphasising clinically relevant developments in the field with a focus on aspects of care to improve the quality of life for patients with scleroderma worldwide.

2nd Systemic Sclerosis World Congress – Madrid 2012
Following the successful experience of the 1st World Congress in Florence, the second congress focused on clinical and translational aspects of systemic sclerosis with the aim of updating clinicians involved in the field. Based on the feedback from the participants in the 1st congress, more time was devoted to areas such as clinical problem solving, young investigator activities and networking between health professionals and patients.
Following is the programme:

1st Systemic Sclerosis World Congress – Florence 2010
The congress aims to foster outstanding research into the cause(s) and understanding of systemic sclerosis and to increase clinical care and awareness of scleroderma, worldwide.
Between February 11-14th 2010, the first World Scleroderma Congress took place in Florence Italy under the auspices of the recently formed, Swiss – based World Scleroderma Association (w-s-a.net). The program included an intense program consisting of 34 didactic presentations from world experts, interactive workshops and case presentations covering all aspects of systemic sclerosis, with a focus on translational and clinical medicine. In addition, a patient-oriented teaching day and six industry-supported symposia were included.
Planning included both health professionals and patients. The resulting program was both broad and new. Innovative aspects such as a mentoring program for young investigators added texture to the congress. Support for this next generation of scientists and physicians was also evident by the 42 oral abstract presentations and 362 selected posters.
The anticipated attendance of 500 expanded to the enthusiastic attendance of 1500 physicians, scientists, patient groups and industry from 61 countries. Only space limited even greater attendance. Patients were represented by 129 members of the Federation of European Scleroderma Associations (FESCA), and even some patients from the Scleroderma Foundation of America.
The congress was officially opened in the Palazzo Vecchio by Alexander Klee, patron of the World Scleroderma Foundation (WSF), after a series of talks by local dignitaries and also , very movingly, by a patient who shared her difficult experiences dealing with this disease. Alexander Klee, also an artist, is the grandson of Paul Klee, a resident of Switzerland who succumbed to this terrible disease in 1940, aged 60, his later paintings and drawings graphically portraying his suffering. The WSF had its inaugural dinner on the evening of Wednesday February 10th in the beautiful Bellini Gallery in Florence, strengthening the theme of scleroderma and art.